Yoga Nidra and Prana Nidra Guided Meditations

The Yoga Nidra and Prana Nidra Bundle contains three lectures, all of our Yoga Nidra relaxation-based guided meditations, and Prana Nidra, a powerful guided healing meditation performed in the lying position. The bundle guides you progressively through increasingly subtle layers of relaxation and awareness.
It is suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced. These practices are designed to be accessible and beneficial for everyone, regardless of prior experience with meditation or yoga. They can be practiced lying down in a comfortable position, making them suitable for all physical conditions.
This Yoga Nidra and Prana Nidra Bundle harnesses the profound potential of Yoga Nidra, one of the most potent relaxation meditative techniques available today. It starts with a short Yoga Nidra that focuses on body rotation. It finishes with a more advanced healing meditation that directs our awareness to the deeper energies within the subtle layers of our body and mind. It enables us to guide that subtle energy for deep healing.
The meditations
Yoga Nidra 1
The first track in the bundle is a 12-minute Yoga Nidra practice - perfect for busy days when you need to reset your nervous system quickly. This short practice introduces the essential technique of body scanning, helping you identify and release unconscious physical tension. It offers an accessible entry point while resetting your nervous system to a relaxed baseline for the next part of your day or night, for example, on waking, before sleep, or as a quick cat nap during the day.
Yoga Nidra 2
The next track is a 29-minute Introduction to Yoga Nidra - Body Rotation & Breath. This Yoga Nidra is the best place to start your journey into the practice and is also for advanced practitioners. It focuses on body rotation and breath awareness and combines the best of classical Yoga Nidra with a powerful healing process.
You can use this Yoga Nidra to remove the exhaustion of modern living, give you the energy to work more effectively, and engage with life with greater joy.
This practice introduces the Sankalpa, a heartfelt resolve that crystallizes our deepest intentions and life purpose. It plants these seeds in the fertile dynamic energy of the unconscious mind, where they can take root and flourish even while we are asleep.
This yoga nidra is ideal for:
- Relieving physical and mental exhaustion
- Recovery from illness or surgery
- Healing and rejuvenating the body and mind
- Improving sleep quality
- Enhancing mental clarity and focus
- Preparing for exams
- Developing witness consciousness
Yoga Nidra 3
The following guided meditation is Yoga Nidra to Reduce Worry and Anxiety. This practice weaves traditional Yoga Nidra with visualizations from the great master of hypnosis, Milton Erickson, specifically designed to address worry and anxiety. This powerful combination helps us to develop the ability to generate positive emotional states at will, providing practical tools for emotional regulation in daily life. It guides you to better manage your emotions, particularly distressing emotions associated with traumatic memories.
This Yoga Nidra helps you:
- Navigate worried thoughts with greater ease
- Build emotional resilience
- Access calmer states more easily
- Transform challenging emotional patterns
Yoga Nidra 4
This Yoga Nidra prepares you for the next track, Yoga Nidra Meditation – Sensations and Chakra Rotation. This more advanced technique works with opposing sensations - a sophisticated approach that develops witnessing consciousness through exploring contrasts like warmth and cold, heaviness and lightness.
This more advanced Yoga Nidra practice naturally flows into exploring the chakras, the subtle energy centers that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It activates the chakras and accelerates the purification and integration of the mind. As part of this process, old traumas and emotions are released. This is why practicing the previous track for some time is advisable to develop your ability to manage both pleasant and unpleasant feelings. This Yoga Nidra:
- Works with opposing sensations (heat/cold, heaviness/lightness)
- Explores the chakra system
- Develops deeper body awareness
- Accesses subtle energy channels
Ujjayi – the psychic breath
The bundle includes an 8-minute Ujjayi breathing instruction to prepare for Prana Nidra.
You can learn this technique in our free Ujjayi Psychic Breathing Course.
Prana Nidra
This leads to the advanced 28-minute Prana Nidra practice, part of our Prana and Pranic Healing series of guided meditations. It is an active relaxation and healing meditation that heals through the conscious movement of life force energy in the psychic energy channels, the nadis. Using the ujjayi breath, this technique systematically unblocks areas where stress, trauma, or illness may have created energetic congestion.
It is a powerful therapeutic tool that supports physical and psychological healing by restoring vital communication pathways between body systems and releasing long-held patterns of tension and disconnection.
This Prana Nidra:
- Works directly with vital energy (prana)
- Clears energetic blockages
- Promotes deep healing
- Enhances vitality and well-being
What is the difference between Yoga Nidra and Prana Nidra?
Click here to learn about the difference.
The lectures
Three lectures are included in the bundle. You’ll learn:
- How relaxation affects the nervous system
- The relationship between breath and consciousness
- The progression from physical to subtle awareness
- The role of witness consciousness in transformation
Practical Application
These practices can be used:
- Independently, based on your current needs and in any order that serves you.
- Progressively, as a systematic approach to deeper meditation
- At any time of day. For example, if you wake up tired, you can use them to rest deeply to catch up on sleep. Some people find practicing before sleep helpful, but many report that they get too much energy from the practice. You will need to experiment for yourself
The practices support:
- Better sleep
- Stress reduction
- Emotional balance
- Enhanced self-awareness
- Physical and mental restoration
- Development of meditative capacity
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